Blog Archive

Saturday, February 10, 2018



Busy writing, afternoon mini-workshop.
Friday, February 9, Freedom Gallery for Art and Spirit LLC hosted its first in an ongoing series of events on the second and fourth Fridays of the month. This mini-workshop, presented by gallery owner, Barbara McEvoy, began by briefly introducing a more traditional style of journal entry, described in  "Joy Practices" in Book of Joy, by Dali Lama and Desmond Tutu. 

And then the fun! Warm up writing exercises helped participants get into the mode of fluid, right-brain writing (NOT English-teacher correct composing) followed by discussion of and/or actual practice with topics and techniques "OF A MORE EXPLORATORY AND PLAYFUL NATURE."

Evening group thinking.
Listing techniques included lists of goals, aims, bucket and to-do lists, and "crazy things I'd love to do, if money, age and/or time were not a factor." 

Other techniques included "letter writing," "consulting with," and "appreciation of" topics. Since we were discussing writing about and consulting with all manner of people, (real, imagined, historic, deceased, or living) and objects (animal, mineral, spirit!), we also discussed where our information for these journal meanderings might actually come from. 

Just exactly what explains creativity??  A topic we will return to in its many forms...

Discussion is part of the fun!
Be sure to keep in touch and join us at Freedom Gallery for Art and Spirit LLC on second and fourth Friday events continue to take place.

Presenter Barbara McEvoy  in center. 

E-mail comments and suggestions welcome here

Future Events include
February 23, a new exhibit "Good-bye Winter; Hello Spring" two separate times
      Noon to 2:30pmand 6-8 pm. 

March 9, 6-8  "Here's Looking at You," Gallery Artist Peg Scully will be demonstrating portrait painting with a model on hand. Bring pencil and sketch pad, or just come to watch and chat!

March 23, 6-8 "Seeing with a Photographer's Eye," Gallery Photographer Joel Rhymer will have a power point presentation and discussion about why some photographs are more appealing than others. Bring one or two of your own photos to share and critique. 

April 13,  6-8 "Photo Walk with a Professional," Gallery Photographer Joe Viger will do a photo walk starting at the gallery, and discuss photo tips on the way and back at the gallery. Bring photo phone or camera.

April 27, 6-8 "Your Turn," Bring a poem to read, your own or a favorite, or just come to listen and enjoy other perspectives.

May 11, 6-8 "Light, Shadows and Reflections in Our Lives"  Gallery Artist Terri Brooks will talk about her fascination with reflections and light and demonstrate how she does this in watercolor. The artist will work from photos and explain what she does. You are welcome to bring your own paints, (come early to set up) but bring your own photos. 

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