Blog Archive

Wednesday, August 29, 2018



"Artist Support Night" Writing goals for self & gallery artists!
 One of three gallery events that have led to the NEW FALL OPTIONS
Using "Write It Down, Make it Happen!"  a creativity/manifestation tool!
There's a tinge of orange in the hills, an occasional red splash of leaves, school busses have run their practice route, night temperatures are slowly working down the thermometer. Change is in the air and on our calendars. 

Accordingly, Freedom Gallery for Art & Spirit is heading into its fall schedule with the addition of Three new classes, inspired by community requests: Two options tailored for the artists among us and the "wish I were" artists, including writers, poets, painters, sketchers, sculpters, PLUS an additional class for new yogis, "lapsed" yogis and yogis who want to start out the fall at an easier pace. 

TWO OPTIONS FOR ARTISTS (Writers,Poets, Painters, Sketchers, Sculptors)

ARTIST SUPPORT NIGHT  Sunday evenings from 6:30 to 8! Beginning September 9
"Your Turn: Poetry Night"
Reading to a supportive

Aimed more at practicing artists with projects in mind and work to share, the weekly meetings will be your prodding angel to "Do something every week" so you can talk about it, share it, and, of course, have those artist discussions that let us know we all run into the same blocks, we're not alone, we do have dreams to manifest, albeit more slowly than we might want! And yes, we can make time for art! The support night is a direct outgrowth of two gallery events earlier in the year,  
"Your Turn: Poetry Night"
Poetry and Art Blend
Your Turn: Poetry Night, and Artist Support Night.  At both events, the participants (you?) expressed the need for an accepting, understanding group of support, and support on a regular basis. Sunday evening was the best time to bring together retiree's and those still in "day jobs." 

FIND YOUR CREATIVITY: EVERYONE IS AN ARTIST YES, YOU! Wednesdays, 1-2:30 Sept 5 thru Dec 12 $75  (Limited to 15)
FREE INTRODUCTION AND REGISTRATION September 5, 1-2:30. Actual course will run Wed, Sept 12 thru Dec 12, No class 10/10 or 11/21.

Picasso remarked, “Every child is born an artist. The trick is remaining one as an adult.” Picasso had it right...when we lose our playfulness as children, we lose varying degrees of our creativity, and our willingness to take playful risks.

"Journaling: More than you can imagine!"
Learning about Morning Pages,
one of many creativity tools.
Yes, there ARE tricks to finding and/or reigniting that creative spark that was squelched, blocked or severely damaged as we moved through school into the “responsible” and usually linear  world of adulthood. But the tricks are teachable habits and ways of thinking! ways of expanding your vision, your mind and, consequently, your life... As an artist and a long time teacher of writing and literature, teens through teachers, I have my bag of tricks and treasures, not to mention personal and "academic" research, just waiting to release them on a waiting class of adults!!

As a strong supplement, we'll make use of two books by Julia Cameron, a long time expert on the paths to creativity:  It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again:  Discovering Creativity and Meaning at Midlife and Beyond, and The Artist’s Way: Spiritual Path to Creativity. It is strongly suggested that you have one or the other as a basis for your “at home work,” and discussions we'll inevitably have. Be prepared to add pizzazz to your life! Books available through your library and through Amazon books, used or new.

For more information on either artist option, call me at (610) 762-2493, email  <> or  drop by Freedom Gallery to chat. 
Please RSVP  so enough seats are available.

Monday and Thursday 1:30-2:45, beginning Thursday, Sept. 6

Yoga in the California Hills...
If you’ve always wanted to try yoga, or you did it years ago, you’re not very flexible, you recognize age is overtaking you but you’re not ready to give in, this is your class. You’ll learn and practice basic asanas (yoga poses and sequences) developing strength, flexibility and balance. You WILL be getting down on the floor because getting up and down is a SAFETY MUST, but we’ll help you learn, limit the ups and downs and provide chairs to support you until you can do it on your own.

INTERMEDIATE YOGA will continue at 4 and 6 on Monday and Thursday
(come earlier if you want to chat)
The same bargain prices for class continue: $40/month, unlimited attendance; $75 for 10 class pass; $10 drop in; First Class Free. 

Call Barbara at  (610) 762-2493 or e-mail her at <> if you have any questions.

1 comment:

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The Connection Continues Ashton Ingram  Artist of the Month,  September, Freedom Elementary student, 3rd grade Stop by...