Blog Archive

Sunday, April 22, 2018



Terri Brooks' winter paintings
 Following the "Journaling" Event in mid-February, (see previous post) we had an official opening of our "Good-bye Winter, Hello Spring" exhibit February 23, featuring the Winter we were living in and the Spring we were ready for.

Winter to Spring: lots to talk about
Of course we had a snow storm that day, but neighbors and friends who lived close came any way...the advantage of living in a small town.

Friends to talk with.. 

And much to see
March 9th event: Peg Scully at work
The set-up...

Intent audience listening to Joel Rhymer's presentation
Next event, March 9, was Freedom Artist Peg Scully demonstrating portrait painting with live model, Diane Claveau. Peg's painted portraits of many Freedom residents, but during her live demo, "Here's looking at you," we were able to watch as she explained the steps of going from white paper to an almost complete portrait in less than two hours. Watching the portrait evolve was magical. 

Photographer,Joel Rhymer, March 24

Then, March 24th Joel Rhymer did a power point presentation, "Seeing with a Photographer's Eye," explaining five important points for consideration to add interest and drama to our own photos.
The power point presentation, which made use of both Joel's own work and the work of famous photographers,  was followed by discussion and a critiquing session of photos the event participants had brought with them.

Joe Viger gives pointers before the photo walk

Finally, with the weather "on the upswing," Joe Viger led a photo walk April 13, "What Do You Look For? What Did you See With Your Camera?" Beginning inside Joe gave us some pointers on "What do you look for, explaining that we can learn from each other as well as from him. Let loose on the photogenic street in front of the gallery, we clicked away and then returned to the gallery to share what we actually saw with our cameras.

Photowalk walkers getting Joe Viger's opinion...
Photo walkers checking angles

SUMMARIZING:With the first series of Friday events almost completed (five of the initial eight scheduled),it is fair to say, The Great White Barn, indeed, FREEDOM GALLERY for ART & SPIRIT, has had a successful beginning. 

 YOGA continues, open to all levels, M & TH at 3:45 and 6, Wed at 10:30. Check out Yoga in Freedom for schedule and occasional schedule changes. 

NEXT EVENT:  "Your Turn: Poetry Night" 6-8, Friday  April 27.  April is National Poetry Month, so it's fitting to have a poetry session. Do you write poetry? Do you have a favorite poem? Come and share, or come to hear what others have to read. As before, Call Barbara (610)762-2493, or email her and she'll reserve a seat, or, if you're reading your own work, let her know and she'll put you on the program! 

Thank-you all for your participation, comments and compliments.  Suggestions and volunteers for future programs are always welcome.


The Connection Continues Ashton Ingram  Artist of the Month,  September, Freedom Elementary student, 3rd grade Stop by...